Of modest conditions
Of modest conditions -exhibitions in 2020 presented works made between 2018 and 2020.
The Every Day Dress, 2019. Sun faded cotton fabric, hand stitching
Dresses 190202, 190204 and 190206, a short study on burying textiles. Installation included three cotton dresses that were buried for two, four and six months.
Mekot 190202, 190204 ja 190206 eli lyhyt tutkielma tekstiilien hautaamisesta. Installaatio koostui kolmesta puuvillamekosta, jotka olivat olleet haudattuina maahan kaksi, neljä ja kuusi kuukautta.
The Past, 2019. Sun faded mixed fabric, iron tools, jute cord
The Branch, 2018. Sun faded cotton fabric
Summer dress & Summer dress, winter dress, 2019. Sun faded cotton velvet, copper yarn
The Pine tree, 2018. Sun faded cotton fabric.
The Spring, 2018. Sun faded cotton. photo: Eeva Suorlahti
Vaatturi, 2018. Sun faded linen fabric, cotton and scissors
Peti, 2020. Two hand quilted blankets, a pillow and a mattress filled with hay.